We've been fortunate to have some outstanding musicians perform recitals and work with our flute students at Delta State University. Guest artists have included:
- Alexa Still - Oberlin College
- Elise Blatchford - University of Memphis
- Jill Felber - University of California, Santa Barbara
- Ellen Dooley - United States Marine Band*
- Attacca String Quartet
- Heather Verbeck - Cincinnati Conservatory
- Jiyoon Kim - Dankook University and Chugye University for the Arts, South Korea
- Kimberlee Goodman - Otterbein University and Jazz Arts Group of Columbus, Ohio*
- Cristina Ballatori - University of Wisconsin-Whitewater*
- Keith Pettway - Delta State University (emeritus)
- Kim Pineda - baroque flute
- Paula Gudmundson - University of Minnesota-Duluth*
- Jeffrey Beyer - national and international musical theater touring productions
- Leonard Garrison - University of Idaho
- JJ Hatfield Curry - Blue Mountain College
- Nicole Riner - University of Wyoming
- Brittney Patterson - University of Montevallo*
- Katherine Emeneth - Georgia Flute Academy*
- Becky Weidman-Winter - Fort Worth, TX
- Lisa Wolynec - Austin Peay State University
- Tracey Schmidt-Jaynes - Bloomsburg University (PA)
- Jessica Banks - Mississippi State University*
- Danilo Mezzadri - University of Southern Mississippi
- Martha Alford - Eastern University (PA)
- Lisa Bost-Sandberg - University of North Dakota
- Rachel Kaplan - Austin, TX
- Sarah Beck - Brannen Brothers flutes